Series RPH-250: Chlorine Probe Style Analyzer

The Series RPH-250 is an Amperometric Probe-Style Chlorine Residual Analyzer. This Bufferless Residual Monitor is also capable of controlling chemical disinfection feed systems. The chlorine probe style analyzer can be used for measuring Free and Total Chlorine and is a favorite for use in potable water applications. These reagent free chlorine analyzers are ideal for applications targeting water distribution networks, pumping stations, and other public drinking water facilities.

Basic Specifications

  • Sample Water Flow: 8-26 gal/hr
  • Sample Pressure: 15 psig
  • Accuracy: 0.001mg/l or +/- 1% of range, whichever is larger
  • Sensitivity: 0.01 mg/l (10 ppb)

Main Features

  • Optional Data Logger
  • Measures Free or Total Chlorine
  • pH and Temperature Compensation
  • Transparent probe and inlet flow cells
  • Available Range: 0-2ppm, 0-5, or 0-10ppm
  • Allows simple calibration & maintenance
  • pH probe can be included
  • PRV, pressure gauge, sample control valve & meter tube provided
  • Cross-sensitive for: Chlorine Dioxide, Di & Tri-chloramine
  • Includes complete PID control programs
  • Provides two 4-20mA outputs & one alarm relay
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Free Chlorine

Free chlorine is defined as the concentration of residual chlorine in water present as dissolved gas (Cl2), hypochlorous acid (HOCl), and/or hypochlorite ion (OCl-). A test kit which measures free chlorine will indicate the combined concentrations of HOCl, OCl-, and Cl2.

Combined Chlorine

Combined chlorine is defined as the residual chlorine existing in water in chemical combination with ammonia or organic amines which can be found in natural or polluted waters. Ammonia is sometimes deliberately added to chlorinated public water supplies to provide inorganic chloramines. This process is generally referred to as “chloramination.”

Total Chlorine

Total chlorine is the sum of free and combined chlorine. When chlorinating most potable water supplies, total chlorine is essentially equal to free chlorine because the concentration of ammonia or organic nitrogen compounds (needed to form combined chlorine) will be very low.

When chloramines are present in a municipal water supply, total chlorine will be higher than free chlorine.

Make sure you’re in compliance with the EPA’s Final Ground Water Rule:

40 CFR ˜ Parts 9, 141 and 142 (Federal Register November 08, 2006)

The purpose of this rule is to reduce the incidence of disease. The EPA has established a risk-based guide that targets ground water systems with vulnerability to fecal contamination. Any ground water system that’s in danger of fecal contamination should implement a corrective action for reducing potential illness from microbial pathogens. Global Treat, Inc. has more information regarding disinfection and treatment with chlorine plus equipment monitoring options to help ensure that you are complying with the new GWR rules.