Chlorine Vacuum Monitors


The Series VM-150-1 Chlorine Vacuum Monitor comes complete with a chlorine vacuum indicator and switch for use in gas or liquid vacuum system applications. The three digit digital visual readout is displayed in inches of Hg( Mercury), LED status indicators, and an analog output. Vacuum levels in vacuum systems are continuously monitored in order to quickly detect leaks and monitor high vacuum situations.

The VM-150-1 uses the latest in integrated circuit technology, which allows a compact design, and ensures accuracy and reliability. The vacuum switch indicator is independently field adjustable and detects both high and low vacuum. Applications include chlorine vacuum chemical injection in drinking, cooling water treatment and waste water treatment.

Feed System Monitoring Features

  • Both high and low vacuum
  • Independently adjustable
  • A third-latching arm activates alarms
  • Each alarm is after an adjustable time delay
  • Provides continuous monitoring via LED display