Hydro Instruments developed the Series 10000 Vaporizer to provide a solution to the most common problems associated with the competitor’s vaporizers.
We just made it easier to experience a better way to operate and procure the latest in Vaporizer Technology!
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Frequent Issues with Competitors Vaporizers
Problem: One of the most common vaporizer complaints is that chemical liquid carry over frequently results in chemical leaks and damage to equipment downstream.
Solution: Hydro Instruments designed their Series 10000 Vaporizer with superheat monitoring and alarms in order to mitigate these issues. The pressure transducer and type-K thermocouple observe the pressure chamber conditions, calculate superheat, and then use this information to close the pressure reducing valve as needed. This will prevent chemical liquid carry over, activate alarm relays, and alert personnel.
Problem: Frequent failure of competitors water bath temperature switches, which often results in chemical liquid carry over.
Solution: Hydro Instruments does not rely on problematic temperature switches for monitoring water temperature. Instead, type-K thermocouples are used, which has proven to be a more reliable and dependable solution.
Problem: Many vaporizers lack the ability to remotely monitor superheat and various other parameters, requiring operating personnel to visually inspect gauges in order to prevent a dangerous situation from occurring.
Solution: Hydro Instruments Vaporizers provide continuous monitoring via a digital controller, connected to a pressure transducer and thermocouples. This configuration provides a safe and proper operation. Communications include: Modbus RS485, six 4-20mA outputs, and five alarm relays.
Problems: Inferior materials used in water tank construction results in corrosion, leakage and failure of water bath tanks.
Solutions: Hydro Instruments uses all stainless steel water tanks.
Problem: Inconsistent water bath temperatures due to use of temperature switches resulting in inefficient temperature control. Heaters run at 100% to raise water temperature and then turn off, producing a see-saw effect in water bath temperatures.
Solution: The Hydro model 10000 Vaporizer utilizes a silicone controlled rectifier (SCR), which uses a set-point control with type-K thermocouple measuring water temperature. The power to the heater is adjustable, making it easier to raise or lower the water temperature as needed, this results in a much more stable water bath temperature.
Problem: In most vaporizers, the replacement cathodic protection magnesium rods are located under the top flange, making them difficult to remove and service. To access the rods (for removal or replacement), the top flange bolts must first be removed.
Solution: The magnesium rods in the Hydro model vaporizers are located beyond the pressure chamber top flange, making them easily accessible. Because of the convenient location of the rods, there is no need to disassemble or remove other parts of the vaporizer in order to gain access to the rods.
Problem: It is difficult to clean debris from the bottom of the tank?
Answer: While our competitors typically use a ¾” or 1” port, the Hydro Model 10000 is equipped with a 1 ½” port. This allows the operator to have easier access when cleaning the water tank and ensures faster drainage.
Problem: Competitors use unreliable pressure switches to control water level. The switches are prone to error, are often inaccurate and fail to alert operators if there is an overfill issue. Should an overfill condition occur, cold water will continually enter the water tank.
Solution: Hydro Instruments uses a four (4) prove conductive level sensor to determine the water level in the water tank. Two probes, precisely placed, maintain an optimum water level by controlling a water fill solenoid. The other two probes are used to alert operators to dangerously low water levels and overfill conditions.
How does the Hydro Series 10000 Vaporizer compare to the competition? Click here to to view the comparison chart.
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